
Middle School at LCS

Grades 6-8

We love Middle School! 更多的 than an in-between, 中学是我们的学生学习建立友谊的时期, develop grit when faced with adversity, 并发现我们在天上的父赐给每个孩子在他的国度里服事和敬拜的恩赐. These years matter. It’s a time when they’ll seek independence, be challenged to maturity, and be stretched to handle bigger responsibilities.

当你的孩子进入这个发展阶段时,你会想到什么? 也许,你正在寻找一所学校,他们会建立健康的友谊. 或者,一个能让你的孩子为高中做好准备的学习环境. For many parents, searching for a place that embodies the love, 护理, 以基督为中心的文化的纪律是最重要的. What if all three were reality?

At Lakeland Christian School, we emphasize what’s important to families like yours. 我们的中学课程旨在支持和吸引学生, helping them pursue excellence — in learning, living, and loving Jesus Christ. 下面,你会发现我们提供的概述,包括:

Middle School Culture
Student SAFETY


许多家庭发现,计划参观是了解我们严格计划的最佳方式, beautiful campus, and Christ-centered environment. See what’s possible for your middle schooler at LCS — schedule a tour or request information 今天.

Student Life and Culture

A cHRIST-CENTERED community where your child is known

During middle school, you’ll discover that relationships matter to your student, often more than mathematics and social studies. Your student desires to belong; to a team, a peer group, a club, or perhaps a church youth group. 他们会想要在ladbrokes立博亚洲,他们可以舒适地与同龄人建立关系,让他们感到被关注和了解. At Lakeland Christian School, 我们紧密相连、蓬勃发展的学生生活文化让中学生:

  • Demonstrate respect and 护理 for others. Christ-centered 价值s, such as love, compassion, and 善良 to others, are emphasized in our middle school. During our weekly chapel, 我们花时间赞美和敬拜,同时有大群圣经教导,鼓励学生靠圣灵的果子学习和生活. 
  • Grow through mentorship. LCS的老师勤奋工作,与中学生建立牢固的关系. Inside and outside the classroom, 他们探索每个孩子独特的学习方式和兴趣,创造一个充满活力的学术体验.  Through our advisory program, 老师鼓励学生自主学习,培养领导能力.
  • Develop biblical character. Our biblically integrated curriculum, chapel program, service opportunities, 和恢复性纪律和解决冲突训练学生的性格和信仰的追随者耶稣.
  •  Exercise Self-discipline. Teachers encourage students to make wise choices, allowing them to learn and grow from their experiences. 我们通过强化积极行为和纠正消极行为,为学生提供性格成长的机会.



LCS的学术和学生生活项目带领中学生探索和发现主在所有学科的创造和设计, with a core education in mathematics, 科学, 英语, social studies, and Bible supported by a host of clubs, leadership, and service opportunities. 您的孩子将通过以下方式建立坚实的学术、社会和精神基础:


Middle schoolers engage in hands-on, active learning environments, group discussions, Socratic dialogue, role playing, and other activities using a variety of learning methods. 这些活动旨在通过识别问题,通过同侪合作培养批判性思维和分析能力, analyzing causes, and formulating solutions.


LCS的学生通过乐队和合唱团等选修课拓展自己的兴趣, visual arts, robotics, innovation and entrepreneurship,  FFA, 西班牙语, and coding. A range of clubs such as Robotics, Bible Study, 国际象棋, Entrepreneurship, Aviation, 和戏剧为我们的学生提供了在课堂之外体验门徒训练和发展同伴关系的机会. 

Leadership and Service Opportunities

在LCS,我们的中学生有很多机会为当地社区服务. Organizations such as the National Junior Honor Society, FFA, 中学学生会为学生提供发展领导技能的机会,为学校和湖区社区服务.


Beginning in middle school, 学生们有机会参加包括篮球队在内的许多运动队的比赛, 棒球, 欢呼, cross country, 高尔夫球, 足球, 游泳, 网球教练致力于帮助运动员在精神上成长, emotionally, and athletically. Over the years, 我们的校运动队已经获得了25个以上的州冠军, 40+ regional titles, 40+ college signings, and 160+ district championships.


LCS Parent

“中学生活太棒了”这句话可能并不常见,但确实如此! My children are loved and supported by their teachers. Their coaches mentor them with a Christ-centered focus. 当我的孩子不在我的直接照顾下时,能得到ladbrokes立博亚洲社区的支持来帮助抚养他们是无价的.

Learn 更多的

preparation for high school

Challenged and equipped for 今天 and what’s ahead

LCS的初中课程旨在帮助学生为高中及以后的挑战做好准备. At every stage, we support this growth by cultivating:

Goal setting

Our students will learn how to plan, set objectives, 并在接受指导老师的指导时采取行动, engage in class meetings, participate in Career Day, and meet with guidance counselors. 学生也可以参加他们感兴趣的选修课和社团.

Independence and Responsibility

老师花时间为中学生提供适当的支持,让他们学会独立和责任的价值. Whether it’s through planning class projects, problem-solving activities, or navigating social and emotional matters, 你的初中生将面临挑战,培养对他们在高中和以后很有帮助的特质.

Healthy Peer Relationships

LCS的中学项目培养了一个以基督为中心的社区,在那里你的孩子会被看到, recognized, and 价值d.  我们的老师与家庭合作,我们的教师与学生一起指导他们解决中学关系的复杂性. 

student safety

Safe spaces for Students to thrive

我们通过几项措施来强调学校的身体和情感安全, such as a School Resource Officer, locked doors, visitor check-in, security systems, and background checks. Our school culture highly prioritizes emotional safety, and middle schoolers are expected to act with respect, 善良, and 护理 for others.

Plan a 访问

我们很高兴你能考虑ladbrokes立博亚洲! 我们邀请您参观我们的校园,更多地了解我们的学校, 致力于在神的话语的光教育学生装备他们一生的学习, leadership, service and worship. Christ-centered teaching philosophy, caring community, 和令人兴奋的项目,你未来的学生可能会在现在和将来蓬勃发展.

访问 Lakeland Christian School

Questions? Please call (863)688-2771 or email Julie Rice, our Director of Enrollment, at
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